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Wouldham, Malling, Maidstone

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Public Houses in Wouldham

WOULDHAM is a village, three miles south of Rochester. The population was in 1851, 343. The church is very ancient. The living is a rectory, in the patronage of the Bishop of Rochester; the Rev. Frederick Boyd is the incumbent.

Letters received through Rochester, which is also the nearest Money Order Office.

Boyd, Rev. Frederick, Rector | Peters, William, Esq., Wouldham Hall


Baker, Henry, blacksmith
Boorman, Frederick, wheelwright
Castle, Thomas, beer retailer
Freen and Co., cement manufacturers, etc.
Hart, Thomas, beer retailer
Langford, William, Waterman's Arms
Pearce, John, farmer
Pye, William, farmer
Perrin, William, shopkeeper
Sankey, William, lime merchant, Mansion House
Stephens, Stephen, beer retailer
Watts, Robert, farmer

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:41:16 GMT